Daily Gemini Horoscope March 25 (25/03)
May 21 − Jun 21
Alias: Alias: The Twins
March 25
daily gemini horoscope:
daily gemini horoscope:
Star 10/10
As the Sun conjuncts your ruler, something is puzzling you. You appear focused on a complex issue and your brain has probably become sore through trying to find a way forward with a particular problem. What you can expect shortly is clarity. Something is being seen as unnecessarily complicated. Expect soon to get to the bottom of and resolve it.
Read more...Star 9/10
Let your mind and imagination wander because theres no telling what creative or innovative idea could find its way to you. It might be possible a conversation or exchange with someone has fired your imagination or encouraged you to look a bit closer at what might be possible with a bit more effort in a certain area or even a small tweak to an existing plan. Ride this wave of inspiration!
Read more...Star 9/10
This weeks link between Mercury and Saturn intends to help you to feel more positive about a particular scenario than youve felt recently. However, this is going to require you to strike in some way while a proverbial iron is hot. To make the most of the valuable discovery on offer, youre going to have to react swiftly in some way. Do so, and the discovery will be about yourself and this, as youll see, is whats needed for a plan close to your heart to take a giant step forward.
Read more...Star 9/10
With much cosmic activity in your solar sector of groups, friends and associates, the social scene beckons loudly. However, the same sector rules long-term goals and a friend might be instrumental in you achieving a closely-held aspiration. You might need to be cleverer than usual when it comes to making the most of what you have available to move a cherished plan forward rather than focus on what you believe to be unavailable. There are no shortcuts to success this month but applying Geminian ingenuity will ensure you dont need to explore any quick fixes.
Read more...Star 10/10
You may find yourself making friends in the most unusual places today! You can expect the unexpected - from yourself and others. Remember that this is temporary, though - it\s not a change of heart - it\s more like a change of clothes! Your heart, by the way, is always happy to receive a little attention - and I\m talking about going to the gym! See if your new acquaintances enjoy getting their heart rates up in a healthy environment. Marchbe those who do will become lasting friends...
Read more...Star 10/10
A light-hearted playfulness graces your sign today! You may feel an increased level of energy and a desire to play with others. A game of tennis or squash, or any other sport that you can play with someone else is preferable to exercise done alone. Your attitude will be attractive and even seductive. Make a point of releasing your energy through play today - get outside and share your positive feelings with people. This is a good day to spend with children, if you know any!
Read more...Star 8/10
You\re going to be busy. You might also work late. Your social life is rather hectic, which could affect your body. Remember to eat healthfully and get plenty of sleep to keep your immune system working at its best. Perhaps soothing baths would ease away the tension. Try to drink lots of water and cut back on caffeine and alcohol.
Read more...Star 7/10
There\s much to be said for joining a group or club that caters to your particular health or lifestyle needs. With a focus on your social sector for the whole month, you may find that you flourish when you have the support of others. There will be a subtle shift this month, however, as Mars moves into your spiritual zone on March 9. This might encourage you to look into disciplines that cater to the spirit, mind, and body, including yoga, tai chi, or anything similar that has a philosophy behind it. You could find such practices to be particularly soothing and healing. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now
Read more...Star 8/10
You may suddenly find a reason to go delving into your old address books, or looking through old photographs concerning a memory that is very much on your mind. A face from the past may be causing you to rethink the reason for ending the relationship. It may be time to meet again and see if anything has changed, or could change in the future.
Read more...Star 9/10
You have the choice between work and play. Both options are very possible today. You may be in the midst of a board meeting, but you won\t be bored for a minute because just across from you, love is playing one of its tricks, and you cannot help but be completely bowled over. You may be working now, but you\ll be playing later.
Read more...Star 9/10
Have you been trying to keep your true feelings under wraps? Nothing good really comes from hiding your romantic emotions at the start of the week. In fact, you\ll never know if someone likes you until you tell him or her how you feel! Your hobbies expose some interesting romantic opportunities later in the week. Trying something new for the first time can be exciting and nerve-wracking all at once. Always put your best foot forward.
Read more...Star 7/10
You\ve got a great head on your shoulders, and the superior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury on March 6 makes you excellent at expressing all the wonderful ideas that are in there. Dates who aren\t on your same wavelength aren\t your best match. Retrograde Venus brushes up against Mercury in Aries on March 18, making you see things without bias for about a day. Once you\re able to objectively spot your own faults, fixing them doesn\t seem too hard. A Jupiter/Pluto square on March 26 makes you question the difference between right and wrong, but deep down you know the answer. Choose wisely. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now
Read more...Star 8/10
When taking the lead on projects or in group situations, make sure that you are respectful of other people\s conservative perspectives. This is one area that could get you into trouble. You may put your foot in your mouth if you aren\t careful.
Read more...Star 7/10
Be careful of someone who may be trying to manipulate your choices. You have the power to turn the situation around and use it to your benefit instead. When making decisions, remember that you are the final judge, not someone else.
Read more...Star 7/10
This is an important time in which you should do your best to finish any outstanding commitment on the job. Take time to get your work area better organized. If you\ve been frustrated by the pace of things, this time may finally bring a welcome breakthrough. Your patience and persistence will finally begin to show results. This is a powerful time to prepare to find or apply for a new job.
Read more...Star 8/10
The March 12 Full Moon marks an interesting turning point in your career. Thats when youll realize its critical to find work that holds deep personal meaning for you. Whether that means leaving your current field for a more inspiring one or simply seeking better assignments is up to you. The important thing is to break out of a stifling routine that no longer works for you. Youll make some important professional connections as March ends. Knowing people in high places will help you attract a better class of client. Instead of working with people who are indifferent to your talents, youll deal with appreciative customers. Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now Looking for guidance? Consult a spiritual advisor now
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